How do I create a new account?
From the home page click on the “Login” icon. Then click on the arrow icon in the “Create New Account” section. Complete all of the required fields under the “Billing Information” section. Finally, select a password that you will use to access the account and click “Submit.”
How can I review my profile?
If you are wondering how to review and/or edit your profile, simply click on the “Login” icon. This action will take you to a Login section where you will need to input your email and password in the fields provided. The same procedure applies if you are surfing the Contact Lens King site and are looking to get to your profile.
How do I change my password?
To change your password sign into your account and click on the "My Profile" link located in the "Customer Profile Menu". Once there simply click on the “Change Password” link and proceed with your change and “Submit.”
When does Contact Lens King charge my credit card?
An authorization request is submitted to your credit card company once prescription has been verified or passively verified, however it is authorized at checkout if order is placed outside of the United States. This reserves the funds required to pay for the order. Your card is not charged until your prescription is verified and the order is ready for shipment.
Are purchases made at Contact Lens King reimbursable with my insurance company?
Insurance company reimbursement programs for vision care items may vary from one insurer to the other. The purchase invoice emitted by Contact Lens King certainly contains all of the information normally required by insurers. However the ultimate decision on reimbursement is strictly dependent upon your insurance company and its internal procedures. Do not hesitate to call upon our customer service staff for any additional information that you may need to process your request with your insurer.
Are purchases made at Contact Lens King eligible for FSA?
Yes, qualified purchases made at are FSA (flexible spending account) eligible. The amounts paid for the purchase of the contact lenses (including shipping and handling) are qualified medical expenses. Purchases of contact lens solutions, supplies, and exams (including fitting) are also qualified expenses. However, cosmetic lenses such as those that change eye color without correcting vision, are not eligible for reimbursement.
Can I place orders at Contact Lens King if I am located outside of the United States?
Absolutely. Federal law requires that U.S. residents living outside of the United States have their prescription verified by their eye doctor. Orders from non-U.S. residents are not subject to such verification. Shipping charges are listed under the “Shipping Information” tab on the website. Some foreign jurisdictions do apply customs and/or value added taxes (VAT) on imported optical products. Those additional charges will be assessed locally and paid for by the customer according to local practices.
How will Contact Lens King process my order if I have an international prescription and eye doctor but am shipping to the United States?
The Fairness to Contact Lens Consumer Act requires that prescription verification be carried out for contact lens orders received from U.S. residents. Contact Lens King maintains a database of domestic eye doctors that can help you locate U.S. eye doctors. If, however, your eye doctor is located outside the United States, they will not be found in the database. Therefore it will be best to fax us your prescription. To do this, place your order on the website and proceed to the checkout. You will get to the Rx information page where you can choose to fax your prescription. Once you select this option, a cover page will be generated for you. Included on this page will be your unique order number. Fax the cover page along with a copy of your prescription to 1-800-352-0563 . Federal law provides for a minimum validity of one year from the date that you received a copy of your prescription from your eye doctor, and depending on the state, up to two years. Unless otherwise indicated on the prescription, international prescriptions will be considered valid for a two-year period regardless of your State of residency.
Where do I find the parameters that I need to order my contact lenses if I don't have a copy of my prescription?
It’s actually very easy to find this information. Take a look at one of your contact lens boxes. You will see that the brand name and prescription parameters are indicated on the box. To help you locate these parameters, you will see that each product page includes an image of where these parameters can be found. If you are wearing astigmatic or toric lenses, you will see two additional parameters indicated on your boxes, one for the cylinder power and the other for the axis. Colored lens boxes will also indicate the color, while bifocal or multifocal lens boxes will indicate the available “Add” or addition power and may also be shown as a “Low” / “High” option if the product is available in those categories. One manufacturer places the additional unique marking of "Dominant" or "Non-Dominant" on their mutlifocal lens boxes.
I have a copy of my prescription but I don't know what information to use in order to place my order.
All contact lens prescriptions look somewhat alike. The order in which the information is displayed may be different, but the type of information should be the same. Here is what you are looking for:
O.D.: |
Information for the right eye. |
O.S. |
Information for the left eye. |
Spherical power of your prescription. |
B.C. |
Base curve. |
Diameter of the contact lens. |
The brand of contact lens you need (ex. Acuvue, Soflens, Proclear). |
If your contact lens prescription is for a colored lens, the color selected would appear in this section. |
If you were prescribed a bifocal or a multifocal contact lens, the reading addition power or the available reading options (ex. high or low) would appear in this section. |
If you were prescribed an astigmatic or toric lens, the power of the astigmatic correction would appear in this section. |
If you were prescribed an astigmatic or toric lens, the axis of the correction would appear in this section. |
D |
Dominant |
ND |
Non-dominant |
The expiry of your contact lens prescription. |
No. of Boxes |
This section, not always included in contact lens prescriptions, represents the maximum number of boxes (or units) that your eye care practitioner will prescribe during the period of validity of your contact lens prescription. |
I am trying to find my brand of contact lenses, but cannot find it on the website. Does that mean that Contact Lens King doesn't sell my brand?
Some eye doctors may fit their patients with “practitioner only” lenses or private label contacts that are marketed under a variety of different brand labels but manufactured by the same manufacturer with the exact same parameters and material. The easiest solution for you would be to call our customer service center for help. Our personnel will assist you in identifying the product that you are looking to order.
I started to input order information on the site but I got distracted. When I came back to the site a few days later there was no record of the information that I input. Why is that?
Our systems are set to retain incomplete order information for a maximum period of 10 calendar days. If you come back to the site beyond that timeline you will have to start your order over.
How do I cancel an order?
To cancel an order that has not yet shipped simply login to your account and look out for the CUSTOMER PROFILE MENU at the top right hand side of the page and click on ORDER STATUS to display your pending order. Once displayed, please click on the pending order. When your order’s details are available, and if the order has not been shipped, you will see the cancel order icon. Simply click on CANCEL and you are done.
If your order has shipped and you do not need the products that you ordered please wait for the delivery of the order and then call into our customer service center at 800-352-0255 to obtain an RMA number. Contact Lens King will issue a credit against your account or on your credit card once the return product is received in-house and inspected to confirm that it is in factory sealed condition.
(CLK to Hyperlink to RMA form when ready)
Can I view previous orders for re-ordering purposes?
Login to your account and select ORDER HISTORY in the CUSTOMER PROFILE MENU. Once there click on the option “Order History”. The details of each of your previous orders can be viewed. You may re-order any of the orders from that list of previous orders. Prescription verification may be required.
Can I order contacts for one eye only?
Yes definitely. Once you are on the desired product page you will see the section “Enter your contact lens prescription”. In this section, to the left hand side, you will see “Right eye” and “Left eye”. Each has a box to the left which can be checked or unchecked. If you uncheck a box no further information will be required and no order will be processed for that eye . It's that simple. Alternatively, you may also input a “0” for the eye you do not wish to order lenses for.
What is Auto-refill?
Auto-refill is a convenient service that allows for the scheduling of your replenishment order, at the interval that you select. With auto-refill you will not run out of lenses. It's so easy !
A special 15% discount will be applied to the regular published price of your lenses in celebration of your first auto-refill order. All other subsequent auto-refill orders shall be billed at the regular
published price of your lenses.
Is my spectacle prescription the same as my contact lens prescription?
No, the two are different. If you are planning to include a contact lens fitting during your next eye exam, make sure to let the eye doctor’s staff know so that they may schedule enough time for it. An eye doctor will only issue a contact lens prescription once the patient has been successfully fitted with contacts. In order to retain your right to purchase your contact lenses from any retailer of your choice it will be important for you to ask your eye doctor to fit you with a national brand of contact lenses and NOT a “practitioner only” brand as some eye doctors may elect to do. The difference is important. If you are prescribed a “practitioner only” brand, then you may have to return to the eye doctor’s office when purchasing replacement contacts. This limits your ability to shop for pricing and makes the whole process less convenient. A national brand allows you to purchase from a retailer whose sales policies and pricing best suits your needs. Once issued, the contact lens prescription will contain information such as brand, power, base curve, diameter, cylinder, axis and color. The minimum validity of such a prescription is no less than one year. Some States allow up to two years validity. Ask your eye doctor for the validity period in your State.
Do I need a prescription to wear colored lenses?
Yes. Colored lenses require a contact lens prescription for fitting and/or replacement. This requirement applies even if you don’t need a vision correction. So simply ask your eye doctor for a contact lens prescription during your eye exam. This prescription will include the various details required when buying replacement lenses from a retailer.
Do I have to pay the eye doctor to obtain my contact lens prescription?
Under Federal law, contact lens patients are entitled to receive their contact lens prescription upon request. Any eye doctor attempting to charge for a contact lens prescription, either at the end of the eye exam appointment or when you are attempting to purchase contacts from a retailer, is acting illegally and may be subject to a significant fine. For more information click here.
Does Contact Lens King require my prescription to place an order?
Federal law requires retailers to have a valid prescription on record ONLY for orders placed by U.S. residents. However, if you don’t have a copy of your prescription, you will still be able to place your order. Our online order process will lead you to select your eye doctor from an extensive database of U.S. based eye doctors. If you do not remember your eye doctor’s name because he/she belonged to a group practice or a multi-office chain, simply type that name in the field provided. We will need either the telephone number and/or the fax number of the respective office. Once you checkout, Contact Lens King will send your eye doctor a request for the confirmation of the prescription information. This confirmation produces the record for your prescription details as required by law. You can also simply call your eye doctor and ask that they fax us your prescription. If you are in possession of your valid prescription, simply fax it to us at 800-352-0563 and we will process your order immediately. The above processes ensure that Contact Lens King abides by the law and that you will be provided the correct contact lenses for your vision needs.
Can my eye care practitioner refuse to give me my contact lens prescription?
The simple answer is no. Federal law requires your eye doctor to provide you with your contact lens prescription. Some eye doctors may resist this request, but it is important for you to know that it is your right to get it. If you encounter unnecessary resistance to your request click here for help.
Do replacement contact lenses require a prescription?
If you are re-ordering lenses found on a previous order and your contact lens prescription is still valid no additional information is required. Your order will be processed immediately.
If you are a new customer we will have to verify your contact lens prescription as required by Federal law. Once verified, you can order replacement contacts as long as you are still within the validity period of your contact lens prescription. Specialty lenses may need to be ordered with the manufacturer. However they will be shipped immediately upon their receipt in-house.
How long is my contact lens prescription valid for?
Federal law stipulates that contact lens prescriptions should be valid for a minimum period of one year. Some states permit validity periods of two years. The period of validity starts from the time that the eye doctor gives you your prescription and NOT from the date of your eye exam. Your customer file with Contact Lens King does keep a record of your prescription expiration so our customer service personnel will notify you if you are ordering contact lenses past your validity date. If you have opted to receive a refill reminder, a message will be sent to you at the interval that you selected prior to the expiry of your contact lens prescription. Remember it is important to have your eyes examined on a regular basis, as this promotes good ocular health.
Will Contact Lens King have to verify my prescription if I am a repeat customer?
No. Prescription verification is valid through the expiration date of your contact lens prescription. As an example, if your prescription is on file and is valid for two years your re-orders within that time frame will require no additional verifications.
How can I speed up the shipping of my order?
If you are in possession of a valid contact lens prescription, simply order your contacts online but be certain to check the box confirming that you will be faxing in your valid prescription. This will allow you to go directly to checkout. Then you will need to fax your valid contact lens prescription to 800-352-0563 . Please indicate your unique customer order number on the prescription. Your order will be processed immediately provided that your order does not include specialty lenses, which may need to be ordered with the manufacturer.
Why should I buy a year's supply?
Manufacturers provide rebate programs to consumers for yearly supply orders. This practice is in place to encourage compliance with the wearing regimen prescribed by eye doctors and as an economical means to purchase contact lenses. Yearly supply programs may help to reduce your yearly lens replacement cost by up to $80.
What is Unilateral Price Policy ?
Also known as UPP, this policy essentially commits the retailer to advertising and selling selected product(s) from a manufacturer at no less than the minimum selling price dictated by the manufacturer. This policy is unilateral and non-negotiable for retailers. Any retailer selling at pricing (on a net basis) below the UPP price will face the manufacturer's refusal to sell its product for a period of one year. Compliance by Contact Lens King is required and without recourse.
What is a processing fee?
Recently, we’ve noticed that our competitors have introduced and implemented this tool, used as a means of allowing their upfront display prices on various online advertising channels to appear more competitive. As we know, when a company advertises a lower price, there is increased traffic to their website. Upon the realization that this strategy was being used, we at Contact Lens King stood firmly against applying such a practice. However, in spite of the fact that we offer the lowest bottom line prices, we experienced a decrease in traffic and total orders. Through re-evaluation, and despite our discomfort, we have made the tough decision to adopt the practice as well. Contact Lens King is firmly committed to offering the lowest bottom line prices online, and we want our customers to rest assured that through us, you will always see significant savings in your pocketbook - even with the fee.
We totally understand that this additional fee can be frustrating, or even infuriating, but we invite you to compare our bottom line prices with our competitors’. We promise we won’t disappoint you!
How long will it take before I receive my order?
Federal law requires that we verify online orders placed by residents of the U.S.. This means that we must check that the lens measurements that you input at the time of the order correspond to those contained in your contact lens prescription. Verification is triggered by a fax document that is automatically sent to your eye doctor after checkout. The eye doctor has a maximum response delay of 8 business hours to verify the information and is required to potentially confirm, comment and/or correct any inconsistency he/she finds. If the eye doctor does not respond to the verification request, then we are permitted to consider the original information you input as being correct and move the order process along. Only once the verification process is completed can the order process begin to move forward. To speed things up you may fax us your prescription. If you do so we can process your order immediately. This is an option that is offered during the online order process. In the case of an order containing specialty lenses, which may require ordering from the manufacturer, the request to the respective manufacturer will not be initiated until after the verification process is completed. In those specific cases selecting a faster shipping method does not mean that the countdown begins after checkout but rather once the specialty lenses are received in-house and shipped out to you. Inventory items do get shipped out immediately provided that the order process concludes prior to the shipping cutoff time.
How will Contact Lens King ship my order to an international address?
Orders being shipped to an international address are easy to place.
When filling out the shipping address information, simply use the drop down menus available for the fields detailing the state/province and country. It is important to note that U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Marianas Islands would be found under the listings for state/province. Although you would select the United States as the correct selection for “country”, orders shipped to U.S. territories are processed as international orders. In the case of APO and FPO orders, the United States should be indicated in the country field with AA, AE or AP selected in the field provided for State/Province. Orders received from Canada are usually processed by Canada Post and have their own category.
What are your shipping policies?
Shipping through the United States Postal Service's First Class service on orders shipped in the continental U.S. is billed at a cost of $ 9.95 / $ 12.95. This service will normally deliver your order within four to seven business days after we ship.
Upgrade your shipping selection at checkout. Priority shipping is offered at $ 16.95 with an estimated delivery time of two to three business days, second day delivery at a cost of $ 22.95 and overnight delivery at a cost of $29.95.
Expedited Postal delivery for shipments to Canada is offered at a cost of $ 14.95 CDN. The estimated delivery time for this service is 2 to 4 business days.
International packages are shipped via International Priority mail with an estimated delivery time of five to 10 days at a cost of $ 44.95.
Orders being shipped to Post Office boxes and APO/FPO addresses will be shipped U.S.P.S. Priority Mail.
Orders destined to Hawaii, Alaska, The US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico will be shipped by 2nd day UPS at a cost of $ 22.95.
Please note that orders received from U.S. residents will be shipped as soon as the customer's contact lens prescription is verified and the ordered items are received in our warehouse.
Non-U.S. residents will have their orders shipped immediately upon receipt provided the order items are in our warehouse inventory.
Our customer service department will contact you in the event that there are manufacturing related delays affect your order.
How can I return a product that I received?
30-Day Return Policy
Items may be returned within 30 days of purchase provided they are unopened, unmarked, undamaged and in original condition. Such returns will receive credit in full, excluding any shipping charges.
Defective Products
In the unlikely event you receive a defective lens, do not throw the lenses away. The manufacturer may request to have them returned for analysis. Provided the lens manufacturer agrees the lens is defective, a replacement lens will be issued at no cost. Please note that defective lenses may only be exchanged for the exact same lens and prescription. No refunds are issued for defective items. They will be replaced for the same product at no charge.
Returns Procedure
Please contact our customer service department (by email at or by phone at 800-352-0255 ) before returning any items. If emailing, please include your name, order number, the reason for the return, and whether you would like a credit to your account or a refund applied to your credit card. If calling into our customer service department, please have this same information on hand in order to allow our staff to assist you more effectively. Our customer service department will issue you a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. This number should be written prominently in the address portion of your return package.
Mailing address for returns:
U.S. Return Address:
30 Lawrence Paquette Drive
Champlain, NY
Canadian Return Address:
7190 Rue Frederick Banting
St. Laurent, QC
H4S 2A1
Mailing Instructions
Please package your return carefully to ensure your lenses are not damaged in shipment - we cannot issue credit for items damaged in transit to our office. If the return or exchange is the result of an error made by Contact Lens King's staff you will be reimbursed for the cost of the lenses, transport and insurance. The United States Postal Service and Canada Post are our providers of choice for client returns. If any other delivery service is used other than these, the transport and insurance credit will be limited to the value normally billed out by the USPS. If the return or exchange is not the result of an error made by Contact Lens King's staff it is important to note that only the cost of the lenses will be reimbursed. To ensure the safe return of the lenses, we recommend that you ship your package using a trackable carrier (UPS, FedEx or DHL). We are unable to issue credit for packages lost in transit to our office. If you have any questions regarding our returns policy, please contact us at 800-352-0255 .