
Biotrue ONEday 90 Pack Contact Lenses
our price $55.45
Biotrue ONEday
90 Pack

Biotrue™ ONEday contact lenses, manufactured by Bausch & Lomb™ and offered in a 90 pack, is a unique product. It is manufactured from an innovative and unique bio-inspired material called HyperGel™ that combines the best features of classical hyrogel and silicone hydrogel lens materials. Biotrue™ ONEday lenses are designed to provide high definition optics for crisp clear vision even in low light conditions. The Biotrue™ ONEday lens material’s water content is almost identical to that of the eye’s cornea thereby providing the wearer with great comfort. The special status attained by this lens material as it relates to hydration is that it can achieve high oxygenation to the cornea without the addition of silicone to the lens matrix. One of the aspects of the bio-inspired philosophy that was used to create this Biotrue™ ONEday lenses is the fact that the outer surface of the lens is designed to mimic a critical dehydration prevention component of one’s natural tears. This would result in a comfortable, well hydrated, moisture retaining experience, throughout the day and, as a benefit, consistent optics all day. Biotrue™ ONEday lenses are designed to be worn as daily disposable lenses. That means that you discard the lenses at the end of the day and use fresh lenses the next day. Be sure to follow your eye doctor’s recommended replacement schedule.
The materials provided in this web site are for informational purposes only. Contact Lens King is a contact lens replacement service company selling contact lenses directly to the consumer. We recommend that you have your eyes examined regularly and that you carefully follow the lens care instructions dispensed by your eye doctor. It is important to verify that the contact lens prescription you reference when placing your order is a valid one. If, for any reason whatsoever, you experience any discomfort during the wear of your contact lenses discontinue use immediately and contact your eye doctor.

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